Monday, May 31, 2010

Memories in sepia - Part 1

Pictures have slowly started to get blurred....
Fading childhood black and white...
in sepia

Lily pond (more a tank) near the front gate...trips with Bapai standing in front of the scooter talking all the chattering ...not changed much as friends would say
bringing the yellow chicks home from the nearby hatchery...two yellow fur balls (head and the body) and two black dots as eyes
Crows whizzing past my newly shaven head...and touch down! Ouch! memories still hurt!
climbing the gate, climbing the post, climbing the window....and climbing some more...
scraped knees...bruised hand but a smile in the tear stricken face...
Dumbo hathi...first feel of fear
locking mom in the kitchen...

Mischievous, naughty, whirlwind, common adjectives...
Thank you Ma and Bapai for keeping these memories alive ....but stories were always about me and not about you...


"To talk of many things:Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--Of cabbages--and kings--And why the sea is boiling hot--And whether pigs have wings."

1) Bikes
2) Sunglass
3) Helmet (2,3 postinterchangeable)
4) Cricket bat
5) Football
6) Gun
7) Shoes
and the list continues....

Idhant is forever convincing, cajoling, persuading his dad to lend him a pair of his sunglasses and even Shubh could not withstand the power of those big brown eyes (migh well up any moment) and parted with two pairs of sunglasses but what have we....he wanted the one Shubh wore to
With his grandmom undergoing a cataract surgery and his dad lending her, his sunglasses - yes those ones which lil Calvin had been yearning to wear - brought out the best in the lil conniving fellow in all his avatars

1ACT 1: Persuasion: How are you feeling thammu? Nice sunglass...wont you let me wear the....big eyes,,,get even bigger, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease
Nope...doesn't work! Time to try the next act
2) ACT 2: Barter: See I got you these sunglasses. Why dont you use mine and let me use yours?
Tough customer...Let turn on the charm...some aggressive seling
3) ACT 3: Temptation: Hey thammu? check out my sunglasses? Aint I looking handsome?
Yes?!..Yippie....Why dont you wear mine and let me wear yours?
This doesnt work either...shall we then try the old trick at hand, TANTRUM!
No luck! These guys are getting good at this! They dont even look at me!
4) Ready retort
Thammu: These glasses are dirty.
Calvin: Dont worry, I will ask Asha didi to clean it.
5) Shall we then go the root cause way?!
Thammu: See, my eyes hurt.
Calvin: Mamma: My eyes hurt too.... I have to wear her sunglasses
(mamma...chokhey ooh hoeychey...thammu sunglass ta portey hobey)

But Thammu emerges the final winner ...a tough cookie to crack
see my eyes...they are so you still want to wear them?
Calvin: Yuck! No! Never!
and his finickiness get the better of him...

Yes, yes he is a very very finicky guy....dominant paternal gene ...I am cursed with bad luck all my life !!
...cannot eat food without having a box of tissue around
...need to wipe mouth, hands, neck, body after every morsel swallowed
...clothes need to be changed even if there is a drop of water...we realised this when he was 1 week old and throwing a tantrum despite being well fed and clean...the outer corner of his shirt was wet...drop of water if not half a drop!...gurgled back to sleep once we changed his clothes...
...need to clean the cricket ball everytime we hit it with the bat and it rolls on the ground(mumma muchey dao, nongra hoye gaechey)

Flip side ...yes there is a positive side
...every lil scrap goes into the dustbin
...two and something takes off his shoes and put them neatly near the door...will even go back and put his socks in his shoes...did that recently at a friends place when we had gone for dinner....He had taken off his shoes and an hour later he asked me take off his socks...then he took those from me...located where his shoes were and neatly put them inside his shoes
...mostly puts his toys away after playing with them
...never comes back dirty after playing downstairs
...loves taking a bath...always has...soaking in the bathtub...this summer managed 5 soaks in a day

For the last time 'I don't do greens'

And there I was...eating all the healthy food I could lay my hands on...
Even a glass of Milk every day..... chirping away to my friends and preaching...
'my child will eat healthy food', 'no junk'!!
'Shubh's mother did it all dont give the child an option and he will have toe at what's on his plate'

'How will a child get addicted if he does not know the taste..)

...and on and on...

That was before Idhant was born...

Now guess who is having the last laugh now...and a very evil and sinister laugh it is :(

My son does not eat anything, and I repeat ANYTHING , THAT IS NOT DEEP FRIED OR DIPPED IN guessed it...doughnuts (double trouble...thank you MOD!) tops his list of favourite food. And he likes french fries, and chocolates and chocolates and french fries and luchi (the quinessential food for every bengali true to his blood!) and noodles (preferably fried with no veggies...yes we will promptly spit it out if we see even the tiniest bit of spring onion peeping out) and thums up! (The bong gene at work again...we dont like pepsi or coke only thums up) and thumbs up to the power of branding...he knew the logo at age 1! and thats it! Have we not covered all the junk food yet?! I confess, he is a junk food addict and I am the indulgent parent who justifies by saying, atleast he is eating something :)

It is not the bong mom in me, overobsessed with feeding her son but, tips anyone, how do you make a two something eat healthy food? Yes, we dont even eat fruits as the slimy texture makes us throw up!!! HELP!!!